For city lot or suburban
spread -for residential, commercial or institutional use, a Bolens
Husky will handle every yard-care job with speed, safety, comfort
and convenience. For your round versatility, a Bolens Husky is designed
for use with a complete surge of lawn, garden and grounds maintenance
attachments. So whatever the yard-care job, a Bolens Husky provides
the power. And the attachment does the work.
By starting with a Bolens Husky and selecting the attachments you
need (or adding attachments as you
need them) you form
your own leisure-saving system for year round care of your property.
Compare a Bolens Husky feature for feature with unit other make.
You'll find that a Bolens Husky is neither a scaale-down farm tractor,
nor a lavish Iown mower. It is a complete, fully-equipped tractor
with extras you don't pay extra to get. And it's engineer specifically
for lavvn and garden use by Bolens - the people wlin brought fun
and yard work together in the first place - forty-seven years ago