L. John Morris
My name is L. John Morris. I live in Kittanning, PA -- The tractor is a 1967 Sears Suburban 12. I have a 4-foot sickle bar attachment, 48-inch dozer blade, hay rake attachment, lime/fertilizer drop spreader, disc attachment, three-point hitch all sold by Sears for the tractor. I found this tractor in deplorable condition 14 years ago and completely restored it. It was setting in a weed patch when I spied it with the portion of the front tires that were in contact with the ground, rotted away. I had to give $65 to save it. The mower-deck is from a later year that I bought for parts. This is a very versatile machine and built to last. I mow with it every week, and plow snow in the winter Click on the small pictures to enlarge it.