Jacques Lacasse



















smalltrac.jpg (1361 octets)  Charles Wise  smalltrac.jpg (1361 octets)

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PorterCableMark1_01small.jpg (1924 octets) PorterCableMark1_02small.jpg (1734 octets) PorterCableMark1_03small.jpg (1881 octets)
Porte Cable Mark1. 10hp Briggs & Stratton engine. Maker of the MF 7 or  8
Executive ??
Porte Cable Mark1 Porte Cable Mark1
Sears725small.jpg (1782 octets) Sears725_02small.jpg (1684 octets)
Sears 725 Suburban. 10 HP(?) Craftsman \Techumseh engine (replacement?) Sears 725 Suburban Copar Panzers, T205, A (T102), & T60.

T60 Copar Panzer -- It has an 8hp Briggs engine on it, but should only 
have a 5hp.

1954 Copar Panzer model A,  (T102). Serial # 290 -- It has a 10hp Techumseh engine on it, but it should have an 8hp Briggs model 23 on it.

T205 Copar Panzer -- 8hp Briggs model 23 engine.

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As for my info, I have Panzers, DB's, bolens, Cub Cadets, Homelites, MF's, walkbehind crawler, and others. I have over 50 riding and walkbehind tractors

Charles Wise
16 years old

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